All I have to say about this story is wow! The story told in this is extremely thought provoking, yet eerie, and I kept thinking about the question we were asked the first day of class. I remember I said that I would choose to live without sleep, but I think I might change my answer now. I said that I would do without sleep in order to have more hours awake, which would give me more time to accomplish things, but now being halfway through the semester, I'm realizing more and more how important sleep is. For one, as mentioned in the story, I need a break during my days. Sometimes I even need a break in the middle of my day, which is when I decide to take a nap! If I didn't sleep at night, I would be completely overwhelmed with everything, which is ironic considering I thought I would be more productive without sleep. Overall, I really think that the purpose of "Manhole 69" is to demonstrate the actual importance of sleep that is often overlooked by people.
Source: Manhole 69, J.G. Ballard
You're absolutely right, Carley; that break between days is so important. Even beyond all the physical and mental benefits we've discussed in class, I love the ability to completely close a day and open up a new one. Good job with this thought-provoking post.